Chestnut Burnishing Cream 500ml
A very mildly abrasive cleaner which smoothes and cleans finishes, reviving the lustre ofpreviously polished surfaces and enhancing the gloss of newly applied lacquers and polishes.
Especially suitable for use with Melamine Lacquer, Acrylic Gloss Lacquer, Friction Polish. Can also be used as a liquid sander on Cellulose Sanding Sealer before the application of wax or Friction Polish but not lacquers.
For an exceptional finish first apply a coat of Cellulose Sanding Sealer, sand back as normal then apply a coat of Melamine Lacquer. Once dry, burnish with Burnishing Cream and follow with a coat of Friction Polish. Finally, burnish again for a wonderful high gloss.
Supplied in 500ml
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